Greenhouse blog: What's next in hiring

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Find out what’s next in hiring

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eBook, Ai and automation, Candidate sourcing

Efficient candidate sourcing with a new AI recruiting tool, all within Greenhouse

Efficient candidate sourcing starts with great AI recruiting tools paired with a human touch. Find out how this new Greenhouse feature can help.

Article, Candidate sourcing, Recruiter tips

Efficiency at scale: How to hire salespeople with better assessments

Innovative companies agree that building a winning sales team is an important element in creating any successful business. But when building any team, hiring the right people can make or break your company’s growth.

Article, Candidate sourcing, DE&I

Representation in leadership: The power of executive leadership diversity

Today, more and more companies are taking action to ensure their workforces are diverse and reflect the customers they serve. But the most successful companies are the ones that not only champion…

Article, Candidate experience, Candidate sourcing

How the Greenhouse Events app made Five9’s candidate sourcing efficient and effective

Find out how the Greenhouse Events app transformed leading cloud contact center Five9’s in-person sourcing to be more efficient and effective.

Article, Candidate sourcing, Employer brand

Leveraging LinkedIn: How to attract top talent with your employer brand (Part 2)

Curious about how to attract top talent with your employer brand? Here’s how you can leverage LinkedIn for recruiting success.

Article, Candidate sourcing, Structured hiring

Executive candidate sourcing do’s and don’ts

Hiring senior management comes with a significant amount of pressure. Top executives will likely stay with their respective companies for long periods of time. However, higher-level employees do…

Article, Candidate sourcing, Employer brand

The power of pay transparency—for both candidates and your employer brand

Adding salary ranges and being transparent about pay benefits more than just your candidates. Find out how in this blog.

Article, Candidate sourcing, Roi and hiring metrics

Metrics that matter: How to measure the performance of your sourcing emails

If your team has been sourcing candidates via email for some time, you're likely to have an excess of performance data to sort through. The good news is that there are specific metrics that we've found to be most useful when planning and launching candidate sourcing email campaigns. Read on to learn three key email metrics to monitor to better understand the effectiveness of your messaging and enable better strategic planning.