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Talent operations

Enero Group attracts a more informed and engaged pool of candidates with Greenhouse Recruiting

After the COVID-19 pandemic, Enero Group found itself in a transition period with its hiring practices. Many members of the recruiting team were feeling fatigued with the hiring process after facing…

Talent operations

Reassess your recruiting strategy: How IonQ succeeds by having a people-first mentality

Earlier this year, we revealed the Talent Makers® award finalists . And now it’s time to roll out the red carpet to the winner of each category. We’re excited to introduce you to the talent partner…

Talent operations

How IonQ streamlined their hiring process with Greenhouse

Shifting from a research-oriented company to a manufacturing company required IonQ to completely rethink its hiring process to make it more structured, efficient and streamlined. Prior to…

Talent operations

Taco Comfort Solutions saves over $100K in recruitment costs by partnering with Greenhouse

Before using Greenhouse, the hiring team at Taco Comfort relied on manual functions. Not having a centralized source for all things hiring made it difficult to find the right candidates for roles,…

Talent operations

Elevating hiring performance: The value of a structured work tech platform

When it comes to the competitive world of talent acquisition, companies have no choice but to create a hiring process that’s effective at every point – and it’s no secret that this is a challenge.…