Greenhouse blog: What's next in hiring

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Article, Candidate experience

Improving your candidate experience: 4 lessons from the Workplace Intelligence Report

When it comes to hiring, the pressure is on. There are a record number of job openings, automation is transforming work as we know it and an entire generation of baby boomers is poised to retire…

Article, Candidate sourcing

What makes $100k+ Candidates Tick?

In theory, recruiting candidates is a pretty simple job: you find someone with the appropriate skills, offer them an appropriate salary, and everyone is happy. In reality, the picture is…

Article, Roi and hiring metrics

Greenhouse product news: engage recruiting stakeholders across the organization with Greenhouse reports and visualizations

High-performing recruiting teams use data to proactively change behavior in the hiring process. Data empowers recruiters to act as strategic talent consultants – it allows them to put numbers and…

Article, DE&I

Measuring D&I Impact and progress with Alphabet, paradigm and greenhouse – part 2

We’re now going to explore some approaches to measuring DE&I; and evaluating impact. Get ready to learn more about how to think about and have awkward conversations, how to foster inclusion and…

Article, DE&I

D&I decoded: Insights from the Workplace Intelligence Report

As a talent or people professional, diversity and inclusion (D&I) is already on your mind – and has probably been on your radar for years. And you already know that both diversity and inclusion…

Article, Candidate experience

Is your recruitment process pushing away top talent?

Recruiters know great candidates are hard to find in such a competitive market – and they don’t want to let them go. To truly understand the candidate, and successfully convert them to a hire, you…

Article, Company culture

Why the first rule of culture is misguided

Since we released HubSpot’s Culture Code , I’ve learned some hard lessons about company culture, the hardest of which was that culture is like Fight Club. The first rule of culture is that you…


Announcing the Workplace Intelligence report: New Research from Greenhouse and HRWins

Research takes time, effort and a massive amount of resources. It also takes a lot of enthusiasm and passion. Today is the culmination of a long research journey to uncover how people really feel…