Optimize and streamline: Build teams with a focus on clarity, security and compliance

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Enable hiring team efficiency and collaboration
Your hiring team’s ability to effectively engage with your hiring process is foundational to your hiring success. Interviewers only need to see and provide feedback on the candidates they’re responsible for. Hiring managers who are already juggling competing priorities need to understand how to quickly engage with and decide on future hires. Recruiters and recruiting coordinators need efficient workflows to keep candidates moving swiftly through the process. And executives need varying levels of visibility throughout the process.
Creating a process that’s defined for each user at every step is possible. Through a few basic adjustments to your workflow and system configurations, you can ensure your hiring team is well-positioned to engage candidates thoughtfully and easily and bring in the right talent at the right time.
Determine user access guidelines
Start by defining each user group and their role as it pertains to hiring candidates. Based on their contributions to the process, you can determine which users need admin permissions, and who should be able to see private or sensitive data and make configurations in the system.
Here are some common roles and aligning permissions to help you start thinking through your own setup. For guidance on specific permissions to enable for each access level, reference this guide on enabling teams in Greenhouse.
Permission access level:
Job admin private for specific roles and departments
Job admin standard for all roles at the organization
Permission access level: Job admin standard for all roles at the organization
Hiring managers
Permission access level: Job admin private for specific roles and departments
Permission access level: Interviewer for specific roles and departments
Anyone else at the company
Permission access level: Basic user access
After you’ve standardized your permissions, be sure to create documentation. This will enable your team to assign the correct permissions to new users in your organization.
Utilize task management
Assign key tasks to individual users on the hiring team. As a best practice in the Greenhouse Recruiting platform, all jobs should have an assigned primary recruiter and coordinator. For hiring managers who also review resumes, assign the responsible hiring manager as well so they’ll receive automatic workflow tasks when it’s time to review candidates.
Leverage tools like the All Candidates tab pipeline filters to evaluate team performance and adherence to assigned tasks and to prioritize workloads. Here are a few pipeline task filter options you can utilize:
Needs decision
See which candidates are pending advancement or rejection
Scorecards due
Identify which users haven’t submitted interview feedback – as a best practice, set an SLA of 24 hours for scorecard submission
Offer to be created
Inform your executive teams of upcoming offer extensions and set expectations for the volume of offer review and approvals
You can now save and schedule your All Candidates tab filters by creating Essential Candidate reports.
Facilitate continuous communication around hiring
Keep everyone informed by utilizing notifications. Job notifications automatically update configured users on recent actions for a particular job. Job notifications are sent via email and can be configured for the following events that occur for a job:
- Weekly recruiting report
- New applicants
- New internal applicants
- New referrals
- New agency submissions
- Approve to start recruiting
- Offer fully approved
- Stage transitions
- New scorecards
Keep the communication loop open by logging candidate notes and reminders at every step of the interview process.
Like any other part of your recruiting workflow, be sure to assess how well your hiring team is collaborating and staying informed. In addition to the All Candidates tab reports for evaluating team performance mentioned above, the Interviewer Engagement, Pipeline History and Pass-Through Rates and Offer Activity reports can alert you to any bottlenecks in your process that could be resolved by strategic changes to your hiring team’s access and communication workflows.
View the Optimize and Streamline webinar series for more tips and best practices on building a more efficient hiring process.