Greenhouse Verified
Apply to jobs with confidence
Greenhouse Verified helps you feel more confident that the employer you’re considering values a fair, respectful and positive interviewing and hiring process.

What does it mean to be Greenhouse Verified?
Verifications are earned by companies that consistently use processes that prove they are following best practices in fairness, preparedness, respect and communication in hiring.

Fair interviews are about showing how you’re right for the role, based on your skills and experience. This verification is for companies that consistently focus on the same evaluation criteria across applicants, so you can feel like you’re being evaluated fairly.
Resumes and take-home tests are reviewed anonymously to mitigate bias
All applicants are evaluated for the same skills and experience criteria

You’ve probably spent a lot of time preparing for an interview, and with this verification you can feel that the interviewers have as well. These companies make sure all candidate information and questions are available to interviewers ahead of time.
The interviewer is provided questions pre-approved by the hiring team to keep the conversation focused and productive
Consistent interview guides are provided to all interviewers so they have everything they need, including your resume, take-home test (if applicable), portfolio (if applicable), name pronunciation, etc.
Interviewers must provide written explanation for how they rate candidates on each criteria

Feel confident that the person interviewing you sees you as a human, not just an applicant – and treats you accordingly. This verification is earned by companies that prioritize your preferences and perspective.
Interviewers have access to your accurate name pronunciation and pronouns so they get it right
You’ll have the opportunity to provide feedback on how you feel the process went
Confirmation emails are enabled for every live job post on this job

Waiting is the hardest part. When you see this verification, you can be more confident that the company will actually tell you when your status changes.
- You will be notified of a rejection in a timely manner
What is Greenhouse
Greenhouse is a hiring platform that helps companies get better at finding, interviewing, hiring and onboarding new employees. Companies work with us because they want to create a more fair, equitable, structured and positive hiring experience from start to finish.

Our hiring philosophy
We want to help all companies to recognize how important talent is to running a successful business, and that doing so means bringing more structure, inclusivity, fairness and humanity to their hiring.

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