The Chemistry Group

The Chemistry Group is a talent strategy consultancy that transforms organisations by improving people performance

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Developer The Chemistry Group
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Power business change is driven by people.

The Chemistry Group is a talent strategy consultancy that transforms organisations by improving the performance of their people. Founded on the belief that everybody should have the opportunity to be brilliant at work, Chemistry partners with organisations to understand their context and strategy to help business leaders answer the critical questions regarding their talent. Chemistry has developed a trademarked methodology for establishing what talent factors predict performance within a role and organisational context. Through a combination of data analytics, modelling and consulting expertise Chemistry uses the 5 Box Model to determine the traits (Intellect, Personality, Motivation), Behaviours and Experience that are predictive of the business outcomes you are looking to achieve. We call this defining “What Great Looks Like” (WGLL™). With WGLL™ defined your organisation will be able to increase business performance by, at scale, developing your existing people to WGLL™ and hiring people who are WGLL™ for you, your context and outcomes. Increasing Diversity in your workforce is an outcome of everything that we do as we can remove both conscious and unconscious bias through the WGLL™ process. Our methodology is also industry agnostic and can apply to any organisation and context. By understanding WGLL™ for an organisation’s unique context and strategy, we can answer the following critical questions regarding your talent:

+ What talent do you need?

+ What talent do you have?

+ How do you find and develop the talent you need?

+ How do you track the impact of talent against your business goals?

Once we deliver the Insight you need to make talent decisions; we will provide you with the tools, guidance and technology to ensure you can create the commercial impacts you are trying to achieve through your workforce.