Search by Entelo

Search is a powerful, easy-to-use global database of 900M+ passive candidate profiles.

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Developer Search by Entelo
Partner implementation fee
This is a fee paid to the partner to implement the integration.
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Company sizes supported 101-1,000, 1,001-10,000, 10,000+
Regions supported North America, EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa), APAC (Asia Pacific), South America
Languages supported
These languages are supported by the integration partner, but may not necessarily be supported by Greenhouse.

Find, engage and convert skilled, diverse talent with precision and agility

Search helps organizations of all sizes and complexities identify, reach & convert skilled candidates that fit business needs at a faster, more cost-effective rate. It enables recruiters to build and continuously improve talent pipelines aligned to talent strategy and DE&I initiatives. Sourcers can infer candidate insights, skills, and likeliness to move as well as next predicted role and then craft and schedule personalized communication to drive applications and hires.

Search can integrate with applicant tracking systems and CRMs to automate and streamline the recruiting process.


Candidate Sourcing

Hone in on skilled, diverse talent faster with custom boolean searches, filters and candidate highlights. Identify candidates that are likely to make a move and infer candidate skills they haven’t listed based on similar talent, roles and experience. Engage candidates with roles that fit their predicted trajectory.

Diversity & Inclusion

Improve your organization’s talent profile with diversity filters that surface profiles from underrepresented groups based on gender, race, ethnicity and veteran status to achieve diversity, equity and inclusion goals. Turn on unbiased mode to evaluate candidates within hiring teams. Visualize representation within your talent pipeline to ensure adherence.

Candidate Outreach

Leverage machine learning to optimize candidate outreach timing and messaging to attract talent to your open roles. Ensure outreach is inclusive with language and word choice recommendations driven by analysis of millions of recruitment emails.

Talent Insights

Identify the addressable market for roles, skills and candidates. Determine the effectiveness of your sourcing strategy. Evaluate talent pool representation based on diversity, skills and experience criteria. Leverage insights to create an actionable plan to continuously optimize your sourcing strategy, be more competitive and ensure alignment with business objectives.