Hire diverse tech talent that you cannot find locally.

Relocate helps attract and hire skilled tech talent from abroad is a niche job board for techies looking to relocate. Hundreds of thousands of IT professionals from 150+ countries use our site to explore companies and apply for jobs open to international talent. We also provide tons of useful information & tools best preparing them for relocation.
Software Engineers, Mobile App Developers, Data Scientists, DevOps/Site Reliability Engineers, QA Specialists, Product Managers, UI/UX Designers − these are just some of the professionals you can reach by advertising jobs with us. Each job ad gets a minimum of 2,000 views a month!
We work with both startups & already well-established companies such as Coolblue, BandLab, Catawiki, Mercari,, and The LEGO Group, to name a few.
Fast and easy job-posting process
You send us jobs that need promoting, and our team posts them for you. It's our job to copy-paste job descriptions.
Interchangeable job slots
Unlike a single job posting, displayed on a job board for a predetermined duration, a job slot grants you the ability to post, replace, and edit jobs as many times as needed throughout your subscription period.
"Hiring freeze" option
Freeze your job slots whenever you're not hiring. The option is available for subscriptions of 3 months or longer.
Candidate vetting
We can pre-screen and deliver to you the best-qualified/most-relevant applicants.
Resume uploading into an ATS
Save time and assign the upload of incoming/pre-sceened resumes into your ATS to us.
Promo on Telegram
Have your company and jobs promoted to our active Telegram community with 17,000+ members (and growing by the day).