
Jointl integrates pre-screening, skills assessment, reference checks, social profiling, and background checks into any hiring process.

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Developer Jointl
Partner implementation fee
This is a fee paid to the partner to implement the integration.
Company sizes supported 1-100, 101-1,000, 1,001-10,000, 10,000+
Regions supported North America, EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa), APAC (Asia Pacific), South America
Languages supported
These languages are supported by the integration partner, but may not necessarily be supported by Greenhouse.

Expand candidate profiles with multi-aspect data automatically aligned with the role and requirements

Jointl allows Greenhouse users create and integrate custom pre-screening questionnaires, skills assessment, references, and background checks into any stage of their hiring process. Jointl Flows enable to screen job candidates to get a consistent view of their personality, skills, abilities, experience, and suitability for a role.

Flows use multiple data sources, including:

- 50+ scientifically-backed assessments to evaluate skills and abilities in a conversational, fast way
- Conversational referencing powered by AI to drive completion and value
- Automated background checks

Jointl drives better hiring choices by fully revealing a candidate's suitability for a role in a hands-off automated way, integrating its scoring in Greenhouse.

Get consistent insights and find top talent faster


Fast & Cost-Effective Screening & Checking

Jointl seamlessly integrates into existing workflows, enriching them with data-driven insights needed to make better and more informed hiring decisions. Flows are created based on the role’s priorities and timeline. Jointl automatically manages data collection, extracting insights, cross-checks aggregated data, and visualizes the final scores for each candidate.

Jointl integrates seamlessly into workflows, collecting and cross-verifying data to provide visualized scores for data-driven hiring. Jointl integrates seamlessly into workflows, collecting and cross-verifying data to provide visualized scores for data-driven hiring.

Consistent Profiles to Find Top Talent

Jointl integrates its assessment scoring data and reference progress to the candidate dashboard, making it easily accessible and up-to-date. Profiles are enriched with the Jointl data, and available to Greenhouse users in a familiar format. All results, including assessments, reference checks, etc., are also accessible on Jointl in a straightforward and easy-to-follow manner.

Jointl enriches profiles with data that is easily accessible in Greenhouse in a familiar format, as well as on Jointl in an easy-to-follow format. Jointl enriches profiles with data that is easily accessible in Greenhouse in a familiar format, as well as on Jointl in an easy-to-follow format.

Role-based Assessments

Jointl offers 50+ scientifically-based assessments focused on revealing and evaluating more about candidates’ skills and talents for a role. Each is in a Q&A format and focused on “getting to the point” and driving engagement by taking less than 4 minutes. Flows automates assessments, sending reminders and driving completion.

Jointl provides scientifically-based, comprehensive assessments to uncover candidates' skills and talents. Jointl provides scientifically-based, comprehensive assessments to uncover candidates' skills and talents.

AI-Moderated Conversational Reference Check

Jointl automates reference checks using conversational AI with a Q&A approach to capture deep, high-quality, and actionable insights about candidates. Jointl Reference Checks are focused, time-aware (less than 10 minutes), and leverage real-time follow-up questions that dig deeper and uncover the “why” behind a reference's answers in an engaging format.

Jointl automates reference checks using conversational AI, offering time-efficient Q&A sessions with real-time follow-ups for actionable candidate insights. Jointl automates reference checks using conversational AI, offering time-efficient Q&A sessions with real-time follow-ups for actionable candidate insights.

Automated Background Checks

Jointl offers advanced and fast Background Checks for hiring teams, automating the process as part of a Jointl Flow, and reporting on results on the Dashboard.

Jointl provides swift, automated Background Checks within Jointl Flow, delivering results directly to your dashboard. Jointl provides swift, automated Background Checks within Jointl Flow, delivering results directly to your dashboard.


Jointl offers pricing aligned with the needs of companies of all sizes, initially focusing on small to medium-sized companies. Enterprise pricing is available. Trials are available for a limited time.